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Действует доставка и самовывоз.

Наш адрес: Москва, Лучников переулок дом 4 с2 офис 35

Время работы: 

ПН-ПТ с 11:00 до 20:00 

СБ с 11:00 до 18:00 

ВС выходной день. 

Будем рады видеть вас в нашем офисе!


Halfling Team Pitch and Dugout
Halfling Team Pitch and Dugout
Товар в офисе:
доставка сегодня
Halflings are well known for their fondness of good food and drink. This is always in evidence when there's a Blood Bowl match on, making for a perfect excuse for a party. You'll find one side of the game board decorated with the trappings of a quaint rustic feast – well-kempt prairie grass sprinkled with tiny flowers, colourful pennants, and a wide variety of picnic blankets, food and drink. The Halfling symbol of a crossed fork and knife is proudly emblazoned in the middle of the pitch. 
5 680 руб.